Geotermia Polska czy uzaleznienie od energii zagranicznej?
Fundusz ekologiczny czy polityczny?
Nasz Dziennik, 2008-05-30
Jeśli do 2010 roku Polska nie wywiąże się z międzynarodowych zobowiązań odnośnie do pozyskiwania energii z zasobów odnawialnych, to będziemy płacili potężną karę - rocznie ponad miliard euro
Unieważnienie przez Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej umowy z Fundacją "Lux Veritatis" dotyczącej inwestycji geotermalnych w Toruniu może w przyszłości skutkować nałożeniem na Polskę kar w związku z niewypełnieniem minimalnego limitu energii pochodzącej ze źródeł odnawialnych - ostrzegają specjaliści od energii odnawialnej. Inni eksperci z kolei zauważają polityczny charakter tej decyzji. Listy protestacyjne w tej sprawie wystosowała grupa posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego, kierując je do premiera, prezesa NFOŚiGW oraz unijnych komisarzy ds. ochrony środowiska i energii.
W przekonaniu prof. dr. hab. Ryszarda Kozłowskiego z Instytutu Inżynierii Materiałowej Politechniki Krakowskiej, decyzja Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej dotycząca inwestycji geotermalnych w Toruniu może spowodować, że nasz kraj nie wypełni zobowiązań międzynarodowych. - W 2010 roku Polska nie wywiąże się z zobowiązania międzynarodowego odnośnie do pozyskiwania energii z zasobów odnawialnych. Jak obliczyli Niemcy, będziemy płacili karę 70 euro za megawatogodzinę w stosunku do mocy brakującej. Ponieważ prawdopodobnie będzie nam brakowało 5 proc. z 34 tys. megawatów energii elektrycznej, którą Polska dysponuje, to w skali roku zapłacimy karę w wysokości ponad 1 mld euro (1705 proc. naszego przyszłego niedoboru energii odnawialnej pomnożone przez 70 euro, 365 dni i 24 godziny) - alarmuje profesor Kozłowski. - Dziwne, ale rząd tym się nie przejmuje. Woli zapłacić karę, niż uruchomić najtańszą produkcję energii. Bo w Europie jest ona właśnie najtańszą energią - dodaje profesor.
Profesor Kozłowski jest zbulwersowany decyzją Funduszu, która kłóci się z przedwyborczymi obietnicami premiera Donalda Tuska. - Premier Tusk podczas kampanii wyborczej obiecywał Polakom będącym na emigracji, że będą mogli wrócić do kraju. My właśnie uważamy, że przy takim jednym centrum geoenergetycznym może powstać kilkaset miejsc pracy. Jeżeli premier Tusk pozbywa się takiej możliwości - jest to dla nas zupełnie niezrozumiałe - dodaje naukowiec.
W związku z wypowiedzeniem umowy Fundacji "Lux Veritatis" na realizację inwestycji geotermalnej dla Torunia grupa posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego (Urszula Krupa, Witold Tomczak, Bogdan Pęk, Bogusław Rogalski, Andrzej Zapałowski) oraz poseł Anna Sobecka przesłała listy protestacyjne do premiera, prezesa NFOŚiGW oraz unijnych komisarzy ds. ochrony środowiska i energii. Zwracając się do Jana Rączki, prezesa Funduszu, z apelem o uczciwą analizę sprawy i podjęcie działań uchylających "wybitnie szkodliwą i krótkowzroczną" decyzję, sygnatariusze pisma zaznaczają: "(...) decyzja podjęta przez Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej dziwi także ze względu na to, jak wskazują sami urzędnicy, że nie wykorzystuje się wszystkich pieniędzy, które miały być wydatkowane na odnawialne źródła energii, w tym na geotermię, co więcej, nie ma chętnych, by realizować geotermię w naszym kraju, a decyzja była sprawdzana pod względem merytorycznym, formalnym i celowościowym. Jeszcze w styczniu wyniki kontroli Ministerstwa Środowiska w Narodowym Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej wykazały, że nie ma żadnych przeszkód, by Fundacja 'Lux Veritatis' mogła realizować przedsięwzięcie".
Poza nie merytoryczną decyzją NFOŚiGW, niezrozumiałą z punktu widzenia ekonomicznego, dochodzą podejrzenia o celowe działania mające dyskryminować społeczność katolicką w Polsce. Profesor dr hab. Piotr Jaroszyński, kierownik Katedry Filozofii Kultury Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, uważa - podobnie jak zarząd Fundacji "Lux Veritatis" - że decyzja Funduszu to realizacja przedwyborczych zapowiedzi premiera Donalda Tuska. - Tak, ten jegomość, gdy chodzi o konstruktywne obietnice przedwyborcze, to jak widać gołym okiem, żartował, natomiast jeśli chodzi o zapowiedzi destruktywne, to robi to poważnie. Podstawy jego programu działania politycznego sprowadzają się do niszczenia katolicyzmu w Polsce. Dlatego dostał tak potężne wsparcie antykatolickich mediów - zaznacza.
Komu przeszkadza geotermia
Również minister ochrony środowiska w rządzie Jarosława Kaczyńskiego, a obecnie poseł Prawa i Sprawiedliwości prof. Jan Szyszko nie może doszukać się merytorycznych podstaw dla decyzji Funduszu. - Dziwne jest to, że obecny rząd, dyskutując o tzw. pakiecie energetycznym, zobowiązuje się do tego, aby 20 proc. energii pochodziło z odnawialnych źródeł i jednocześnie nie robi nic ku temu, aby wykorzystać polskie szanse w tym kierunku. Muszę powiedzieć, że jestem zbulwersowany decyzją NFOŚiGW, gdyż geotermia w Polsce zawsze była blokowana - zauważa profesor, gość środowego programu "Polski punkt widzenia" w Telewizji Trwam. - Ona była blokowana - tak przypuszczam - przez tych, którzy uważają, że geotermia zawsze może być bardzo konkurencyjna w stosunku do innych źródeł energii - dodaje Jan Szyszko.
Zdziwienia decyzją NFOŚiGW nie kryje Kazimierz Kujda, były prezes zarządu Funduszu. Zwraca uwagę na staranne spełnienie przez Fundację wszystkich warunków niezbędnych do zawarcia umowy. - Zachowaliśmy staranność wyjątkową. Wszystkie procedury, jakie obowiązywały w NFOŚiGW, zostały zachowane - stwierdza. Zdaniem Kujdy, zastosowanie tak rygorystycznych procedur, które stosuje się tylko w odniesieniu do środków unijnych, to efekt nieprzychylnej dla inwestycji kampanii medialnej. Warto przypomnieć, że wszystkie warunki zostały przez Fundację "Lux Veritatis" spełnione.
W opinii o. Jana Króla CSsR, którą wyraził w "Polskim punkcie widzenia", decyzja Funduszu o unieważnieniu umowy ma charakter polityczny. Przypomniał on wcześniejsze rzucanie kłód pod nogi tej inwestycji, zgodne zresztą z zapowiedziami premiera Donalda Tuska.
Platforma chciała wykorzystać zmianę prowincjała Warszawskiej Prowincji Redemptorystów i już trzeciego dnia po objęciu przez o. Ryszarda Bożka funkcji prowincjała, w niedzielę, przyjechali do Tuchowa prezes i wiceprezes Funduszu. Najwyraźniej liczono na to, że nowy prowincjał nie zdążył się jeszcze zapoznać ze szczegółami inwestycji i będzie można wykorzystać tę sytuację. Plan spalił na panewce - stąd wtorkowe wypowiedzenie umowy. - Jak urząd prowincjała redemptorystów objął o. Ryszard Bożek, otrzymuje on telefon z Warszawy od nowego już pana prezesa NFOŚiGW z prośbą o spotkanie. Oczywiście ojciec jeszcze kilka dni jest wtedy w Tuchowie, trzysta parę kilometrów od Warszawy, i ja dopiero teraz się zastanawiam, jak to się dzieje, że pan prezes i pani wiceprezes jadą tam, te trzysta kilometrów w niedzielę - nie w dniu pracy. Oczywiście ja nie chcę dziś jeszcze mówić o tym, czego dotyczyła rozmowa, myślę, że przyjdzie na to czas - podsumował o. Jan Król.
Jacek Dytkowski
Posted by Alex Bajan at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
German and Jewish claims For compensation from Poland. Must Poland continue to pay for Hitler's war?
German and Jewish claims For compensation from Poland. Must Poland continue to pay for Hitler's war?
Rabin kontra prof. Nowak
Encouraged by Rabbi Israel Singer's, the General Secretary of the World Jewish Congress, statements in 1996 such as " If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims, it will be publicly attacked and humiliated in the international forum." So it is a plan to deliberately slander Poland's name and manipulate the American public's opinion against Poles. It was permitted to slander Poles now
Poland's geographical location has made it easy for aggressive peoples and countries to invade it and try to make of Poles a countryless nation. These invasions have cost Poland trillions of dollars in damage. Between 1939-1989 Poland was in the grip of two colonial powers: Nazi Germany in the Second World War, and the Soviet Union during and after the war. Poles are proud to have resisted both invasions, and this amply-documented resistance gives them the right to self-esteem and national pride. However, those who value only power are not impressed, especially because Poles have failed to create a discourse in English that would counter so many mendacious or simply ignorant books and opinions circulating in America. Edward Said had a word for it: orientalism, or interpreting a people without including that people's input in the interpretation. We would like to state that while orientalism has somewhat retreated with regard to third world countries, it is alive and well concerning Poland. And we repeat, Poles have not done well in countering orientalism by having their own voices heard and available in languages other than Polish.
The years 1939-1989 cost two generations of Poles dearly. The country's infrastructure, education, health, and life itself suffered in ways that have not been articulated in American scholarship. Now, sixty years after the war ended, the descendants of some of the invaders cast a wistful glance eastward and point out that the invaders have suffered also! As Prime Minister Kaczyski states in the interview, since 1945 consecutive Warsaw governments tacitly consented to any interpretation of what happened in the twentieth century as long as such interpretations brought short-term gains for themselves. The net result is that Poles have been taken unaware by the recent rise in Germany of an unbelievable discourse--directed at Poland--that demands satisfaction for those Germans who lost their property in territories taken away after World War II. No one has heard of Germans suing the Russians in the Strasbourg court, only the Poles. Must Poland continue to pay for Hitler's war? (From The Chesterton Review, Spring/Summer 2007).
Note: The Sarmatian Review is a scholarly journal on the history, culture and society of Central and Eastern Europe, with strong attention to Poland. It is published, in English, in Texas. Information is available on the web.
Editorial Note: Recently, a Jewish group has demanded that Poland pay compensation for the property lost by Polish Jews during the Second World War. Apparently they are counting on the billions of dollars for equalization flowing to Poland from the European Community. This would be a most obscene demand.
Profesor Wolniewicz RM Prawda o Tusku 1/4
Profesor Wolniewicz RM Prawda o Tusku 2/4
Profesor Wolniewicz RM Prawda o Tusku 3/4
Profesor Wolniewicz RM Prawda o Tusku 4/4
Jerzy Robert Nowak Roszczenia zydowskie Trwam 24.02.200
ZBRODNIE KOMUNISTÓW- "Gen. August Emil Fieldorf 'Nil' " 1/2
ZBRODNIE KOMUNISTÓW- "Gen. August Emil Fieldorf 'Nil' " 2/2
Posted by Alex Bajan at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Hiroshima - Sandra
Hiroshima - Sandra
Posted by Alex Bajan at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Marek Grechuta - Ojczyzna Poland our Country Zydzi i Israel powinni byc Polskimi Patryjotami a nie Targowica
Marek Grechuta - Ojczyzna Poland our Country Zydzi i Israel powinni byc Polskimi Patryjotami a nie Targowica
Historia swa
Posted by Alex Bajan at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Polish Army 1939 Wizna Polish Thermopylae 40 to 1 Piosenka szwedzkiego zespołu Sabaton z najnowszego albumu The Art of War
Polish Army 1939 Wizna Polish Thermopylae 40 to 1 Piosenka szwedzkiego zespołu Sabaton z najnowszego albumu The Art of War
Polish Army 1939 Wizna Polish Thermopylae Piosenka szwedzkiego zespołu Sabaton z najnowszego albumu The Art of War
Eve of the Battle
Before the war the area of the village of Wizna was prepared as a fortified line of defence. It was to shield the Polish positions further to the south and guard the crossing of Narew and Biebrza rivers. The 9 kilometres long line of Polish defences was subordinate to the Polish Narew Corps shielding Łomża and providing defence of northern approach to Warsaw. The Wizna fortified area was one of the most important nodes in the area, providing cover of both the river crossings, and the roads Łomża-Białystok and roads towards Brześć Litewski on the rear of Polish forces.
The first construction works were started in April 1939. The spot was chosen carefully: most of the concrete bunkers were built on hills overlooking a swampy Narew River valley. They could be reached either through direct assault through the swamps or by attack along the causeway leading from the bridge in Wizna. Until September 1, 1939, 12 bunkers were built altogether. Six of them were heavy concrete bunkers with reinforced steel cupolas (8 tons of weight) while the other six were machine gun pillboxes. Additional four heavy bunkers were under construction at the moment the World War II started. In addition, the area was reinforced with trenches, anti-tank and anti-personnel obstacles, barbed wire lines and landmines. There were also plans of breaking the dams on the Biebrza and Narew rivers to flood the area, but the Summer of 1939 was one of the most dry seasons in Polish history and the level of water was too low.
Although not all bunkers were ready by the beginning of the war, the Polish lines of defences were well-prepared. The walls of an average bunker, 1.5 metres thick and reinforced with 20-centimetre-thick steel plates, could withstand a direct hit from even the heaviest guns available to the Wehrmacht at the time. The bunkers were situated on hills which gave good visibility of all the advancing forces.
[edit] First phase
On September 1, 1939, the Polish Defensive War of 1939 started. The German 3rd Army was to advance from East Prussia towards Warsaw, directly through the positions of Polish Narew Corps. On September 2 Captain Władysław Raginis was named the commander of the Wizna area. As his command post he chose the "GG-126" bunker near the village of Góra Strękowa. The bunker was located on a hill in the exact centre of the Polish lines. His forces numbered approximately 700 soldiers and NCOs and 20 officers armed with 6 pieces of artillery (76mm), 24 HMGs, 18 machine guns and two Kb ppanc wz.35 anti-tank carbines.
After initial clashes at the border, the Podlaska Cavalry Brigade operating in the area was forced to withdraw and on September 5 left the area. On September 3 Polish positions were spotted from the air and strafed with machine gun fire from enemy fighters. Later that day one of the German bombers returning from a bombing raid over Warsaw was shot down by machine gun fire.
On September 7, 1939, the reconnaissance units of the 10th Panzer Division of general Nicolaus von Falkenhorst captured the village of Wizna. Polish mounted reconnaissance squads abandoned the village after a short fight and retreated to the southern bank of Narew. When the German tanks tried to cross the bridge, it was blown up by Polish engineers. After dark, patrols of German infantry crossed the river and advanced towards Giełczyn, but were repelled with heavy casualties.
On September 8 general Heinz Guderian, commander of the XIX Panzer Corps, was ordered to advance through Wizna towards Brześć. By early morning of September 9 his units reached the Wizna area and were joined with 10th Panzer Division and "Lötzen" Brigade already present in the area. His forces numbered some 1 200 officers and 41 000 soldiers and NCOs, equipped with over 350 tanks, 108 howitzers, 58 pieces of artillery, 195 anti-tank guns, 108 mortars, 188 grenade launchers, 288 heavy machine guns and 689 machine guns. Altogether, his forces were some 40 times stronger than the Polish defenders.
Second Phase
In the early morning German planes dropped leaflets asking the Poles to give up and claiming that most of Poland is already in German hands and further resistance is futile. In order to strengthen the morale of his troops, Władysław Raginis swore that he will not leave his post alive and that the defence will continue. Soon after that an artillery barrage started. Polish artillery was several times weaker and soon was forced to retreat towards Białystok. After the preparations, the Germans attacked the northern flank of the Polish forces. Two platoons defending several bunkers located to the north of Narew were attacked from three sides by German tanks and infantry. Initially the losses among German infantry were high, but after heavy artillery fire commander of the Giełczyn area First Lieutenant Kiewlicz was ordered to burn the wooden bridge over Narew and withdraw to Białystok. The remnants of his forces broke through German encirclement and reached Białystok, where they joined the forces of general Franciszek Kleeberg.
At the same time an assault on the southern part of Polish fortifications came to a stalemate. Polish bunkers were lacking adequate anti-tank armament, but were able to rain the German infantry with machine gun fire. However, at 6 o'clock in the evening the infantry was forced to abandon the trenches and field fortifications and retreat into the bunkers. The German tanks could finally cross the Polish lines and advance towards Tykocin and Zambrów. However, the German infantry was still under heavy fire and was pinned down in the swampy fields in front of Polish bunkers.
Although Raginis was subordinate to Lt.Col. Tadeusz Tabaczyński, commander of the Osowiec fortified area located some 30 kilometres to the north, he could not expect any reinforcements. On September 8 Marshal of Poland Edward Śmigły-Rydz ordered the 135th Infantry Regiment that constituted the reserves of both Osowiec and Wizna, to be withdrawn to Warsaw. When the order was withdrawn and the unit returned to Osowiec, it was already too late to help the isolated Poles at Wizna.
Heavy fights for each of the—now isolated—bunkers continued. Several assaults were repelled during the night and in the early morning of September 10. At approximately 12 o'clock the German engineers with the help of tanks and artillery finally managed to destroy all but two Polish bunkers. Both of them were located in the centre of Góra Strękowa and continued the defence despite having much of the crew wounded or incapacitated and most of the machine guns destroyed. It is alleged that Heinz Guderian, in an attempt to end the Polish resistance, threatened the Polish commander that he would shoot the POWs if the remaining forces did not surrender. (No captives were shot.) Captain Władysław Raginis then ordered his men to abandon the bunker and committed suicide by throwing himself on a grenade.
After the Battle
After the Polish resistance ended, the XIX Panzer Corps advanced towards Zambrów and Wysokie Mazowieckie finally encircling and destroying the Polish Narew Corps. Later it advanced further southwards and took part in the Battle of Brześć.
Although all the bunkers were destroyed and the Polish resistance was finally broken, the fortified area of Wizna managed to halt the German advance for three days. The heroic struggle against overwhelming odds is nowadays one of the symbols of the Polish Defensive War of 1939 and is a part of Polish popular culture.
Polska moja ojczyzna
Posted by Alex Bajan at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Republicans start swinging McCain. His fear mongering over Iran and his truly worrying
Republicans start swinging McCain. His fear mongering over Iran and his truly worrying
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The Republican attack machine went after Democratic presidential front-runner Barack Obama last week, and it was not a pretty sight.
After Obama sensibly proposed direct negotiations with Iran, Venezuela and Cuba, and described any potential danger from Iran as "tiny," Republican candidate John McCain accused him of being reckless and inexperienced.
"The threat the government of Iran poses is anything but tiny," thundered McCain -- the same "experienced" McCain who mistakenly claimed Iran was supporting Sunni fighters in Iraq.
President George W. Bush echoed McCain's accusations during a speech to Israel's Knesset last week, an oration so fulsome and simplistic, many worldly Israeli legislators were left looking embarrassed.
Bush insinuated Obama was a dangerous pre-Second World War type "appeaser" for daring suggest talking to Iran. Neocons blasted Obama as unpatriotic for not wearing an American flag pin and hinted he was a closet Muslim. Obama was so flummoxed by these violent attacks, he foolishly flip-flopped and agreed Iran was indeed a grave threat.
All this came as the danger of a U.S./Israeli attack on Iran to preserve Israel's Mideast nuclear monopoly was growing. Israel's PM Ehud Olmert called for a U.S. naval blockade of Iran, an open act of war.
If the Second World War must be dredged up, a more appropriate reference would be Nazi Hermann Goering's famous formula for fascism: "All you have to do is to tell them (the people) they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
McCain is an able, savvy domestic politician, but his absurd claims about Iran bring into question his understanding of foreign policy.
Iran has no long-range missiles, nuclear weapons or bombers. Its decrepit air force barely flies. Iran's so-called navy is a lightly armed coast guard.
Its ground forces are immobile and lack all forms of modern weapons. Tehran's defence budget is the size of Poland's or Norway's, and 100 times smaller than U.S. military spending.
It's the great Iraq scare all over. Republicans again are playing to the least-educated Americans by frightening them with fairy tales and outright lies. Iranian mad mullahs determined to shower A-bombs on Memphis and Dubuque have replaced Saddam and his Drones of Death. Should the U.S. talk to enemies? Of course. Diplomacy is one of three primary tools of statecraft along with military and economic power. Only arrant fools do not make use of it.
Just because the Bush administration largely relied on military power in foreign policy does not mean this Soviet-style approach need continue.
To whom does one negotiate if not with one's enemies and rivals? Besides, war is waged to attain diplomatic objectives, not win military victories. The greatest threat to world peace is not pipsqueaks such as Iran, Cuba or, even more laughably, Venezuela. It is the breakdown of normal diplomatic relations.
As Democrats rightly noted, the U.S. fruitfully negotiated with the Soviet Union and China when both powers threatened America with nuclear destruction.
The Bush administration has been making progress in nuclear talks with "pariah" North Korea.
All sensible nations talk, either through normal or back door channels. Israel kept in touch with Iran after its revolution, secretly sold Tehran $5 billion of arms, and still maintains links today. Israel also has discreet links to Hamas and Hezbollah through third parties such as Egypt. Israel and old foe Syria just announced talks.
McCain should be reminded that hysteria is not a viable foreign policy, even if it is election silly season.
He is wrong to keep promoting the image of America as a spinster atop a chair, screaming in fear of a Muslim mouse called Iran. This is unworthy of the great United States.
If anyone is being reckless and inexperienced in foreign affairs, so far it's McCain. His fear mongering over Iran and his truly worrying
Posted by Alex Bajan at 7:50 AM 0 comments
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About Me
Lech Alex Bajan
Lech Alex Bajan Przewodniczacy MlodzieZy w Lubelskim 1985-86 ktory otwarcie przeciwstawil sie Doktrynie Komunistycznej 1985 roku.sierpnia 1987 roku w USA. Zalozyciel RAQport. Aktywny, skontaktowany politycznych i biznesowych w USA szczegolnia w Washington DC. Niezalezny, nieskorumpowany, czysty w EPN, polski patriota – myslacy w kategoriach co dobrze dla Polski i Polakow w kraju i zagranica. Matka nauczyciel emerytowany w Krasniku. Ojciec SW. pamieci zmarl 1989 roku – poeta spraw Solidarnosci i wolnosci polski, dlugoletni pracownik Fabryki Lozysk Tocznych ( FLT ) Krasnik - Mieczyslaw Bajan Brat : Marek Bajan 3 krotny mistrz Polski w Piecioboju Nowoczesnym, olimpijczyk z Moskwy, trener w Berlinie. Wojek Kazimierz Kowal zaslozony dla Armi Krajowej na Lubeszczyznie Szczegolna zasloga za adbicie polskich dziewczat-kobiet z Powstania Warszawskiego wiezionych w okolicach Janowa kolo Lublina 1946 roku przez sowieckie NKWD. Zamordowany w 1947 roku przez sowieckich oprawcow. Kuzyn Jerzy Bajan (ur. 4 maja 1901, zm. 27 czerwca 1967), polski pilot myśliwski i pułkownik. Bajan odniósł w tym Challenge'u de France 1936 wielkie zwycięstwo.
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Interview with Prof. Ryszard Kozlowski,
Director of the Institute of Natural Fibres (INF) in Poznan, Poland
The latest world development in use and production of small particles of the nanometer size created new possibilities for the fire retardancy research.
Application of modifiers in form of so called "nano-particles" in intumescent systems improves the fire retardancy and thermal insulation effectiveness of the system. The high dispersion of particles has the influence on the decomposition of intumescent systems and on the combustion process. Therefore the structure and thermal resistance of formed carbon layer are improved.
The INF has developed a new, effective intumescent system in form of a transparent wood and wood derivates coating which contain silicon compound in "nano" scale.
Effectiveness of this intumescent system in of wood and the influence of the dispersion degree of introduced silicon compound will be presented. Parameters determined with cone calorimeter tests such as time to sustained ignition, heat release rate, mass loss rate and others, will be discussed in the paper.
Keywords: intumescent system, nano particles, fire retardant, fireproofing efficiency
How did your career develop?
I graduated in Applied Chemistry at the University of Poznan in 1961. Subsequently I went to INF, where I worked up to now with only short breaks. My Ph.D. work, from 1970 to 1972, was aimed at the biochemistry of retting of flax and hemp, and the effects of added nutrients, like urea, on the processes. As head of the INF department for waste and by-products, partly during a fellowship in Finland, I focused on the development of fire-, fungi- and water resistant particle board made from flax residues and hemp woody core. In 1987, I was promoted to be General Director of INF and in 1990 awarded the degree of Professor of Technical Science at Poznan University.
What are your international functions on the fibre scene?
I am Coordinator of the FAO flax network. This network consists of five subgroups focusing on the subjects: breeding and agriculture; harvesting and processing; quality; non-textile applications and marketing. We try to connect people from all over the world working with flax, linseed and also hemp by organizing symposia and by publishing proceedings and a newsletter. The next general meeting is in 1996 in Rouen, France. Maybe we could arrange the one after that in the Netherlands in collaboration with IHA. Further, I am a country member of the council of the World Textile Institute in Manchester, UK.
When was INF established, what is its size and some of its research interests?
The INF was founded under a different name in 1930 in Vilna, the present Vilnius, in Lithuania. After the war, the institute continued in Poznan. Besides flax and hemp, we do research on the protein fibres, silk and wool. At present, sixty-three employees work in seven laboratories, on seven experimental farms in different climatic regions and in an experimental retting mill. We have activities in the field of biotechnology, breeding, agronomy, spinning technology, environmental protection, marketing, technical information and normalization and standardization.
Due to strongly reduced funding levels by the government, we were also forced to start commercial activities to keep the INF running. That's why we have a marketing group of six persons to promote our products. We really need to earn money to invest in new equipment.
This year, we are testing an improved hemp harvester which was developed at the INF. We expect it to be better than the Russian machinery which is standard at the moment.
In the retting mill, we investigate alternatives to the traditional dew retting system, such as enzymatic degumming and mechanical green straw processing. An important project, ordered by the Polish government, is to find out if non-food crops like hemp and flax can be applied for the cleaning of soils contaminated with cadmium and copper. Up to 1000 ha of hemp is presently grown for this purpose in S.W. Poland (Silesia) in an area with copper mines.
Don't you only spread the pollution more diffusely with such an approach?
No, the metals are specificly accumulated in the seed flour fraction. The cellulose of the stems can safely be used for pulping. The seed oil is also clean, it's mainly applied in paint production. The metals can be extracted by leaching the seed cake with hydrochloric or other acid solutions.
How is the situation of the Polish hemp industry?
Until the 1960s, there was quite a large Polish hemp industry, with four retting mills. Hemp fibres were mainly used for manufacturing ropes and fabrics for military use. Hemp was even of strategic importance. We had yearly 20,000 to 30,000 ha.growing. A factory had an annual production of 18000 m 3 of particle board, partly made from hemp woody core. Unfortunately, this factory was closed in 1975. After the changes in Russia, our export of military textiles completely collapsed. At present, there are two hemp processing factories left. They make fibre board and still some military fabrics (tents, shoes). Hemp is a marginal crop at the moment. Besides the area in polluted regions, there is another 2000 ha in S.E. Poland.
Are there, apart from the INF, other Polish institutes or companies involved in any aspect of Cannabis research?
No, no, no. In some botanic gardens and at universities they may have some plants, but they have obtained the seeds from us and it's only for demonstration, not research.
What is the goal of present hemp breeding at the INF? Can new cultivars be expected in the near future?
Ever since the institute was established, hemp breeding has never been interrupted, although we have had pressure to abandon this work entirely. I remember a congress in the 1960s where representatives of the industry said that there was no longer need for hemp with a fine textile quality. They wanted high yielding crops with coarse fibres for rope and technical fabrics. We changed our breeding completely to this direction, which resulted in the present two monoecious cultivars, Bialobrzeskie and Beniko. Current breeding is aimed at fine textile quality again, in combination with an acceptable productivity and a very low THC content. Within two or three years, we expect to release a new textile cultivar which is partly based on a Silezian landrace. For better textile quality, however, cultivation methods should also be altered, using higher plant densities and less fertilizer.
At the last World Textile Congress in Yokohama, there was an idea presented to modify the biosynthesis of cellulose in order to improve its molecular structure for textile application. Our biotechnology group is interested in such ideas.
Are you already working on it?
We have plans.
Are old Polish hemp landraces preserved? Is there a Cannabis germplasm collection in Poland?
Unfortunately, our old local hemp strains are not preserved in any genebank. There is only a breeding collection maintained at the INF.
Is the history of the Polish hemp industry archived or documented in a museum?
There is not a special museum dedicated to hemp, but the agricultural museum in Poznan exhibits some hemp related objects.
How is the legal situation with regard to Cannabis in Poland?
One needs a permit, a special agreement with the government, to grow it.
Is there significant production and trade of Cannabis drugs in Poland?
No, there's little interest in these matters.
How do you regard the future of the INF and the Polish hemp industry?
I expect that the present difficult period, which is due to reduced funding by the government, will last for at least ten more years. Sometimes we have the wind at our backs, and sometimes in our faces. Still, I belong to the optimists. A personal experience: when I started working at the INF in 1961, my boss sent me to a village to harvest hemp and flax, and collect raw materials for particle board experiments. I was used to workiing in clean laboratories, and now I found myself in dirt and dust. That time was also the beginning of nylon-era. Everybody wanted synthetic polymers instead of plant fibres. Even farmers preferred polypropylene above hemp rope. I remember from a visit to the library that Svenska Dagbladen reported: 'last retting mill is closing in Sweden'. Nails in my coffin, as it were. I was then convinced that natural fibres had no future, that I was employed at the wrong place and that I had to escape as soon as possible. Still, I am here and I see a future for our hemp industry. I expect that after 2000, the worlds' forests will be better protected and that hemp, or crops like kenaf and Miscanthus, will become important alternative sources of cellulose. At our high latitude (52_ to 60_) the yield potential of hemp, being up to 17 tonnes of dry mass consisting of 35% high quality fibre, exceeds that of any tree species. Especially since the Frankfurt hemp symposium, we get frequent requests from abroad for hemp seed for sowing and for fine fabrics. At present only China and Rumania can meet such demands. But these countries still use warm water retting. Although this method gives fibres of high and stable quality, it is very expensive and polluting. Per tonne of fibre, one needs ca. 50 tonnes of water for retting and washing. I tend to optimism for the future of textile hemp in Poland, provided that we develop finer cutivars than the current ones, and introduce more advanced techniques for fibre extraction.
How do you consider recent innovations for fibre extraction, for example, steam explosion?
We are testing fibres extracted by a newly developed machine of the Claes company (Germany) for simulta-neous harvesting and fibre extraction in the field. I see, however, problems with quality and costs. After the steam explosion of flax, the fibre doesn't look like flax anymore. Due to such treatment, the product looses its authentic character.
Is the INF interested in international cooperation and business?
Yes, certainly we are. But although a lot of people show commercial interest in hemp, they generally do not want to support the necessary research work, and that is what we need first. Most peoples' largest concern is how to earn money with hemp, they do not seem to realize that they first have to put money into it. We have agreed to export ca 20 tonnes of hemp sowing material this year to Canada and Australia. We are however always somewhat afraid that the seed will be used not only for cultivation but also for multiplication and further breeding. Further, we sell hemp products to Germany.
We have had a long and regular exchange of researchers with the Ukrainian Research Institute of Bast Crops in Glukhov. In collaboration with the Institut Lna, Torzhok, Russia, we try to accelerate hemp breeding through the implementation of biotechnological techniques.
Is there anything else that you would like to mention?
I hope that the IHA will develop into a prosperous organization and that its activities will help to promote fibre hemp. And the IHA should join the FAO fibre crops network!
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